Welcome to the Paradise Nutrients team!

Please complete the form below. If you would prefer, click here to download New Employee Details Form in PDF format, complete and upload via our Apply/Contact Us page.

Please ensure you have read our Workplace Policies. Submission of the form, whether completed below or via PDF form, will be your acknowledgement that you have read, understood and agree to abide by all Workplace Policies.

If you have any questions or issues when completing this form, please contact us.

Note: All information provided in this form is for Paradise Nutrients Office Use Only


If your postal address is the same as your home address, simply write "as above" in the fields below.


Completion of Tax File Number Declaration *
Tax File Number Declaration

Tax File Number Declaration (Sample Only)

Tax File Number Declaration

Please return a completed, original Tax File Number Declaration to Admin as soon as possible upon having received an offer of employment. You can obtain this form from Paradise Nutrients administration. This completed form is required in order for us to be able to pay you.

Australian Citizen *
Holder of Working Visa *
Marital Status *
Gender *
Children *


If a question is not applicable, please put "N/A"

Superannuation Details

I am a member of a Superfund *

Note: if you are not already a Superfund member, you will automatically have a Superfund account created with our nominated Superfund. 

Please supply details of your Superannuation Fund below (if applicable).

Health Status

Please be as detailed as possible. If a question is not applicable, please put "N/A"

* This includes any allergies

* Pharmaceutical and herbal

Emergency Contact/Next of Kin

Workplace Policies Confirmation *

By clicking on "Submit" you confirm that you have read and are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions regarding the storage of the data.


Once your employee form has been processed, you will be issued with your own set of logins to our online Employee Portal. Here you will undertake your induction training, be able to keep up-to-date with the latest Paradise Nutrients news and more!