Paradise Nutrients Pty Ltd is committed to a healthy, harassment-free work environment for all our employees. Paradise Nutrients Pty Ltd has developed a company-wide policy intended to prevent harassment of any type, including sexual harassment, of its employees, customers and clients and to deal quickly and effectively with any incident that might occur.
This policy applies to all Paradise Nutrients Pty Ltd employees.
Paradise Nutrients Pty Ltd will not tolerate sexual harassment from outside the company either. Customers, investors, contractors, and everyone interacting with our company are covered by this policy.
Harassment / Discrimination
Harassment / discrimination is unwanted, unreasonable and offensive behaviour towards the person being harassed, which creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating work environment for the person concerned.
There are different types of harassment that can occur at work, it can be based on:
- Race, ethnic origin, nationality or skin colour
- Gender identity and/or sexual orientation
- Religious or political convictions
- Membership or no-membership of a trade union
- Disabilities, illness, sensory impairments or learning difficulties
- Age
- Pregnancy/maternity/paternity
This list is not exhaustive
Harassment is:
- Offending or humiliating someone physically or verbally;
- Threatening or intimidating someone;
- Making unwelcome jokes or comments about someone’s race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability or pardoned conviction.
Harassment can occur between people of the same sex or opposite sex.
The law prohibits discrimination based on the ground of gender. Protection from sexual harassment is included under the ground of gender.
Unwanted sexual advances, unwanted requests for sexual favours, and other unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:
a) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; or
b) submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by an individual affects that individual’s employment.
Sexual harassment can include such things as pinching, patting, rubbing, or leering, “dirty” jokes, pictures or pornographic materials, comments, suggestions, innuendos, requests or demands of a sexual nature.
All harassment is offensive, and in many cases, it intimidates others. It will not be tolerated within our company.
Anybody can be a victim of sexual harassment, regardless of their sex or gender identity and that of the offending party.
Sexual harassment can involve one or more incidents that may be physical, verbal, or non-verbal, and includes:
- Commenting on somebody’s appearance, sexual orientation, or gender in a derogatory or objectifying way, or in a way that makes them uncomfortable
- Creating or posting sexually offensive materials in the workplace
- Flirting at an inappropriate time, for instance in a team meeting, even if these advances would have been welcome in a different setting. These actions can damage a person’s professional reputation and expose them to further sexual harassment
- Flirting with somebody or pursuing them persistently against their will
- Using obscene comments, gestures, pranks, and jokes that degrade or offend somebody
- Sending or displaying sexually explicit objects or messages
- Invading somebody’s personal space, for example by touching them inappropriately
- Threatening, coercing, stalking, or intimidating somebody to pressure them to engage in sexual acts
- Proposing, demanding, or insinuating sexual favours
- Sexual assault
If you believe that you are the target of harassment or discrimination, inform the offending party (except in cases of sexual assault) verbally or in writing that their conduct is offensive and needs to stop.
If you don’t want to communicate with the offending party or if your communication is ineffective, you need to report them.
Complaints can be lodged in writing with HR via email Your complaint will be documented and resolved within 2 days. Complaints will be treated as confidential.
Both Paradise Nutrients Pty Ltd and federal law prohibit any form of retaliation against somebody claiming harassment or discrimination.
Once a formal complaint is made, the investigation will be conducted in a confidential and discreet manner as far as is possible without hampering the investigation. Complaints will be investigated by the investigator as appointed. A complainant will be kept informed at all stages of the investigation and resolution. At all times throughout the investigation, the alleged offender and/or complainant may have legal counsel as their representative.
Necessary steps in conducting an investigation include:
- providing the alleged offender with a copy of the written complaint.
- providing disclosure of the nature of the complaint to the alleged offender and inviting the alleged offender to provide a response.
- interviewing all witnesses and obtaining such evidence that is relevant to the complaint.
- reviewing the investigation findings with the complainant and the alleged offender and receiving any further information.
- finding out what outcome the complainant would like to see occur.
- on completion of the investigation, the investigator should immediately communicate his/her findings to Paradise Nutrients Pty Ltd administration.
Both the complainant and the alleged harasser will be informed of the findings and intended sanctions as soon as the investigation is concluded.
Upon receiving the findings of the investigation, the company and the investigator should communicate the findings and intended actions to the complainant and the alleged harasser.
If the investigator and company determine no sexual harassment as occurred, this finding will be communicated to the complainant.
If the investigator and company find harassment has occurred, the harasser will be subject to discipline.
a) Sanctions
Where a charge of harassment or discrimination is substantiated, the company will act fairly in imposing an appropriate sanction as recommended by the investigator. The sanctions available range from a written apology, referral or counselling, a reprimand, and written report to that person’s file, reassignment, suspension, to discharge from the company. Seniority or status at the company will not affect the decision as to the appropriate sanction in the circumstances.
b) False Accusations
If the investigation reveals evidence that the complainant falsely accused another of harassment or discrimination, the complainant will be appropriately disciplined and the documentation will be retained on the complainant’s personnel file.
It is the responsibility of a director, manager, director of human resources or any other person within this company who supervises one or more employees to take immediate and appropriate action to report or deal with incidents of harassment or discrimination of any type, whether brought to their attention or personally observed.
Under no circumstances should a complaint be dismissed or downplayed, nor should the complainant be told to deal with it personally.
Any act of retaliation against a person using this policy in good faith to report an incident of harassment or discrimination, or a person who is assisting in an investigation of an incident of harassment or discrimination under this policy is inappropriate and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against persons found to have committed such an act.
Paradise Nutrients Pty Ltd seeks to provide a safe, healthy, and rewarding work environment for its employees, clients and customers. Harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated within our company. If you feel that you are being harassed or discriminated against, Paradise Nutrients Pty Ltd HR.